Monday, July 18, 2016

Loved It

I have always wanted to be a teacher. I just do not have the flexibility in my life right now to commit myself to a full time teaching position. When I realized this, I decided to substitute teach. I could still be in the classroom, but still have the time to be there when my family needed me. With a dad that has Parkinson's, and school aged children I spend a lot of time running and helping other people. I thought I would only want to teach elementary school. After completing this project and spending the time I did in a junior high setting I can honestly say I loved it! I love how quick paced it was, and how every class was different. I found it so interesting how the teacher had to change the lessons or how she taught each class because the dynamic changed. I know that junior high has its special set of problems, but I think the challenge would be great, and I cannot wait.

Busy Busy Busy

(April 18, 2016)- This was an interesting week of being in the classroom. Our state (Illinois) is one of the few who still participates in PARCC testing. This week was testing week for the 3rd grade classes. I found it really interesting to watch how the teachers have to accommodate for this. Every day half the 6th grade tests during 1st and 2nd periods and 7th and 8th periods. That means the teachers during these periods are missing around half their classes, maybe more. The first group tests Monday, Wednesday, Friday and the second group tests Tuesday, Thursday, and the following Monday. Teachers have to work around this. For a whole week they basically have to teach 3 lessons twice. They have to track down kid’s homework who are testing. Some classes get further ahead based on how many kids are missing, and some fall further behind. I found it amazing how the teachers adapt to this.

Vascular Plant Day

(April 15, 2016)- Today the students were learning about the 3 systems of Vascular Plants. There is the root system, the shoot system (stem and leaves), and the reproductive (flower) system. The teacher made up a little dance to help the students remember. It was super fun.


(April 14, 2016)- I think I might want to be a science teacher. There is so much to learn and so much to teach the students. There is never a dull moment. Today they were talking about Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. The teacher gave each table a seed cup. They took out the different kinds of seeds she had put in the cup. They were able to see they came in all different sizes and shapes. It was really interesting. They filled out another concept map. They also looked at pine cones. They were able to see where the seeds are hidden on pine cones.

Gym and Angie

(April 8, 2016)- Today was another great day. I am loving this science class. Maybe I should be a science teacher?! The class was talking today about plants, specifically gymnosperms and angiosperms.


(April 6, 2016)- Today was a really fun day. The classes were studying Fungi (mushrooms). They watched a neat video about fungi and all their different properties. They took notes on a concept map and then the teacher went over it, and they discussed what they learned as a class. Then then each pair of students was able to dissect a mushroom. It was fun to see them get into it. They took them apart, looked at different parts of them. Really great. I have to say, I love how the school has the computers hooked up to the smartboard (interactive whiteboard). Teachers can play YouTube videos, and share things helpful to the class they have seen online.

Reaching Out

(April 1, 2016)- I have a knee injury (have to have surgery too), so I have trouble getting up and getting around the classroom. I spent a lot of the time today sitting and observing the teacher. I saw ways she interacts with students, and it was super beneficial. She also shared with me somethings she does with different students. She told me every week she will pick a couple different students and really reach out to them and show them love. She will write notes in the planners of the quiet kids to let them know she is aware of them. I think that is wonderful, making everyone feel important. I also got to spend some time helping one of the aides highlighting different modifications on worksheets for students with IEP's or those in the ELL program to help them pull out different bits of important information. It was a really great day!

Mingling and Recording

(March 2016)- I had a great second day in the classroom. The teacher I was shadowing let me record grades in the grade book. I got to mingle with some students during "pair and share" exercise they were doing. I also was able to go around and help answer questions.

Observation Day

(March 11, 2016)-I spent my first day in the classroom today. It was a 6th grade science class. I mostly observed 4 different classes. I helped pass out papers, and return tests. It was such a different feel to be in a junior high class. The time during class really goes by quickly, so teachers have a lot to cover in a short amount of time!

MY EDGE Project

For my EDGE project I chose to volunteer in my local junior high school. I could not choose an avenue I had pursued before. I volunteer in my kids elementary school all the time, so I decided to go the junior high route to see how it would be working in a junior high setting.

What is an EDGE project

This is a blog I am creating to give an overview of my EDGE project I completed while attending Southern Utah Univeristy(SUU). What is an EDGE project? The EDGE project is a 5 step program that takes longer than a semester to complete. It was designed to give students the opportunity to develop their soft skills through “personalized and rigorous experiential education.” Students can choose from all sorts of projects. I chose to stay in the education field because I want to be a substitute teacher.